Joplin, Climate, and the Denial of the GOP


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    This video is a fantastic visual companion to Bill McKibben’s excellent op-ed in the Washington Post last week.

    Juxtapose that with the reaction from the right wing on the Mitt Romney’s comment that humans may indeed contribute to climate change.

    “Bye-bye, nomination. Another one down. We’re in the midst here of discovering that this is all a hoax. The last year has established that the whole premise of man-made global warming is a hoax, and we still have presidential candidates that want to buy into it,” – Rush Limbaugh on Mitt Romney’s views regarding man-made climate change.

    I haven’t seen the Democratic Party, or for that matter the environmental community, directly call out and target the GOP on its climate science denialism.  It’s time.  


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