McDonnell Administration’s War on Women’s Health: By The Numbers


    The video is from NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia. Scary numbers. Also, here’s what Executive Director Tarina Keene had to say about Gov. McDonnell’s “War on Women’s Health.”

    The governor’s office would have you believe his sole focus during his first year in office was roads, rest stops and reducing taxes,” Keene said. “Unfortunately, he forgot the fourth “R” – reproductive healthcare. The past two General Assembly sessions show us one of the governor’s biggest priorities – to undercut the health of Virginia women and their families. Since 2010, McDonnell has overridden doctors’ diagnoses and blocked low-income women’s access to abortion care when their health is at grave risk. McDonnell has banned Virginia women from using their own money to purchase private insurance coverage for abortion care even in tragic health-threatening and fetal abnormality cases. McDonnell has approved new, unwarranted regulations to single out first-trimester abortion providers from other doctors’ office and turn them  into hospitals, essentially shutting them down and banning access to safe, affordable reproductive healthcare to a majority of Virginia women. And, McDonnell restored nearly $900,000 in funding for failed, abstinence-only-until-marriage programs in our public schools that deny real information to our youth so they can make healthy, responsible decisions. Governor McDonnell’s policies and priorities are bad news for Virginia women and their families.


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