Home 2019 Elections Virgil Goode for President? We Can Only Hope!

Virgil Goode for President? We Can Only Hope!


Let’s all hope this comes to pass:

At its April meeting in Harrisburg, Pa., the national executive committee of the Constitution Party passed a resolution urging [former Rep. Virgil] Goode to seek its presidential nomination next year.

Goode, who’s been making speeches at Constitution Party meetings for two years, said he’s thinking about it.

I will consider it as the year progresses,” Goode said when reached at his Rocky Mount office Thursday.

A “tanned, rested and ready” (as the saying goes) Virgil Goode running on the Constitution Party line, maybe siphoning off 1% or 2% of the (right-wingnut) vote?  Hey, a bit of insurance for Barack Obama’s reelection sounds great to me. Now, if only Donald Trump would throw his hat in the ring as an independent and absolutely guarantee Obama’s reelection, I’d sleep a lot easier at night…


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