Attention Congress: Do Nothing at All, Deficit Disappears


    For everyone out there who claims (falsely) that the ridiculous “Supercommittee” is the answer, or that failure of said ridiculous “Supercommittee” (or the even more ridiculous “Gang of Six”) would be a really bad thing, look at that graph for 10 seconds and read this excellent analysis by Ezra Klein. Bottom line: if our fine representatives in Washington, DC simply “do nothing, or pay for the things they choose to do, the deficit mostly disappears.”

    That’s it, end of story. Only Republicans and “blue dog”/”radical centrist” (the latter phrase being utterly meaningless) Democrats could possibly find that a difficult concept to grasp. In other words, the deficit essentially disappears if only Congress doesn’t f*** it up by…well, doing something! Pretty funny on one level, pretty pitiful on most others.


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