Can’tor Obstruction Zone: Why We Won’t Cross that Bridge When We Come to It.


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    Three years after Wall Street and the big banks wrecked our economy, 25 million people are still unable to find full-time work and the gap between the 1 percent and the 99 percent continues to grow.

    But Representative Eric Cantor and his allies in Congress are not just ignoring the concerns of the 99% — they are making them worse.

    November 17 is a nationwide day of action for the 99% and Americans in 45 cities across the nation will hold rallies at decaying schools and bridges that underscore the need to invest in infrastructure and jobs and create an economy that works for everyone.

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    The Hamilton Street (Downtown Expressway-195) bridge in Richmond is used by 85,749 residents each day and is a vivid example of the many roads, schools and other infrastructure sites in need of repair. The American Jobs Act would provide $809,000,000 in infrastructure funding for Virginia and 10,500 infrastructure jobs.


    Join us at the foot of the bridge to call attention to Rep. Cantor’s obstruction of the American Jobs Act and to declare a state of emergency for the 99 percent. Engineers have identified the Hamilton Street bridge-and 1,267 other bridges in Virginia-as having a “major defect in its support structure or its deck.” But we know the biggest defect is in Congress where they are pushing more job-killing cuts, instead of creating jobs.

    Join us Thursday!

    Bridge Rally, Economic Emergency for the 99%

    Thursday, November 17 at 12:00 Noon

    (At the Base of) Hamilton Street Bridge/Overpass at 195

    1899 North Hamilton Street, Richmond, VA 23220

    For more (scary) information on the state of our nation’s roads and bridges:


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