Tell the DPVA Central Committee it’s time for a change!


    (I fully support this, not that the DPVA gives a crap about that (in fact, support from the “evil bloggers” will almost certainly prompt them to get their backs up and do the exact opposite). – promoted by lowkell)

    Ahead of the December 3rd DPVA Central Committee meeting, it’s important that we voice our displeasure with the current state of the Party. We all know a change is needed. Some have blogged here that they think Brian Moran should resign. Some have argued for less radical, but still fundamental changes. Whatever you believe, we need to make sure that our voices get heard. Sign the petition and let them know you’re unhappy.

    Most of us can’t be on the Central Committee. But that doesn’t mean we can’t help set the agenda at the upcoming yearly meeting. Don’t let them coast. Don’t let them off the hook. Don’t let another year go by without the substantial shift in policies and conduct that we need from DPVA.

    At the beginning of the legislative session, the Republicans will control every branch of Virginia’s government for the first time since Reconstruction. This is unacceptable! No matter where you land on how drastically things should change, we can all agree that something substantial needs to be done.

    Sign the petition and let DPVA know what you think. Let’s give them constructive solutions and real ideas for change that they can discuss on December 3rd.

    And for a refresher, be sure to review the flood of smart and biting commentary on the subject here at Blue Virginia.

    So, Your “Team” Just Went 42-120, 42-120, 42-120? Now What? by: lowkell

    Learning from the 2011 Democratic loss as 2012 attacks begin by: Goldmanusa

    Two More Excellent Analyses of Virginia’s Elections by: lowkell

    If We Wait For the DPVA, We Lose by: Dan Sullivan

    What DPVA Should Do Moving Forward by: BrianDStraw

    What I’ll Remember Most About the 2011 Elections by: TheGreenMiles

    Why Virginia Democrats Lost the State Senate by: Peter Rousselot


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