Fairfax County Democrats Call on John Frey to Resign


    So far today, we’ve had the Washington Kaplan Post call on Ken Kookinelli to resign, given his announced run for governor, and now the Fairfax Democratic Committee call on Fairfax County Clerk of Court John Frey to resign, given his campaign for Virginia Attorney General. In keeping with this spirit, I’d like to just reiterate my call for DPVA chair Brian Moran to either quit his job as head of the for-profit scam/student debt industry, or to quit his job as DPVA chair. Just trying to be consistent here, as I’m sure everyone would agree. 🙂


    Fairfax Clerk of Court Won’t Resign Well-Paid Post Overseeing Busy Courts

    FAIRFAX – Fairfax County Clerk of Court John Frey should resign his well-paid government job overseeing the county’s busy court system after announcing his statewide campaign for Virginia Attorney General, Fairfax County Democratic Chairman Rex Simmons said today.

    “I don’t care whether he runs or not, but Fairfax County taxpayers should not be subsidizing Mr. Frey’s campaign to the tune of $135,000 a year while he gallivants around the state seeking votes,” Simmons said. “Running the county courts is a full-time job. The Clerk of Court plays a key role in the administration of our courts.  He supervises about 100 county employees, and the Fairfax courts are among the busiest in Virginia year-round.”

    Simmons also cited concerns that serious conflicts of interest could arise if Frey solicits and accepts campaign donations from attorneys, law firms, and other businesses and individuals with matters before the courts. “The County’s top court administrator must avoid conflicts of interest or even the appearance of such improprieties to ensure the integrity of our judicial system,” he said.

    Simmons said he was surprised by Frey’s admission to The Washington Post that he plans to keep his full-time county post while he mounts a statewide campaign over the next two years for the November 2013 election.

    “Should we expect to have an absentee Clerk of Court for the next two years, or will we have a constitutional officer who runs his campaign and fundraising operation from our courthouse for the next 24 months while he collects his salary from the taxpayers,” Simmons asked.  “Either option is unacceptable.  Mr. Frey should resign.”


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