Where does Robert Hurt stand on cutting Social Security?



    As the holidays approach many area seniors are struggling to pay the bills, let alone afford gifts for their loved ones.

    That's why Danville seniors and Virginia Organizing chapter members lined up in front of Rep. Robert Hurt’s Danville office on Thursday to call on him to protect Social Security, a program that makes the holiday season brighter by keeping thousands of Danville’s seniors out of poverty. Despite being one of America’s most successful social programs and contributing nothing to the deficit, many members of Congress continue talking about deep cuts to Social Security.

    So, where does Rep. Hurt stand on cutting Social  Security? His constituents would like to know. Especially after his April 2011 vote for the Ryan Budget,  which would pave the way for cutting Social Security and raising the  retirement age, had it not been rejected by the Senate. Virginia Organizing has repeatedly requested a public meeting with Rep. Hurt so that local seniors can share their concerns about potential cuts to Social Security. Surprising to no one, he has not committed to a meeting and continues to skirt the issue. 



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