Home 2019 Elections Perriello: Romney’s Problem Is “His Moral Framework, Not His Misstatements”

Perriello: Romney’s Problem Is “His Moral Framework, Not His Misstatements”


Congressman Tom PerrielloFormer Rep. Tom Perriello, now president of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, has an op-ed in Politico today pointing out that Mitt Romney’s comment that he’s “not concerned with the very poor” was no mistake – it was a Kinsley gaffe, a politician accidentally telling the truth:

Some political analysts made this a story about Romney’s penchant for verbal slip-ups. But the real problem is one of policy, not PR. It’s his moral framework, not his misstatements.

More than 40 percent of families with kids and household incomes below $100,000 would see their taxes rise under Romney’s plan, while 99 percent of millionaires would get a six-figure tax cut. He is offering security to the most secure – and struggle to the rest. In short, Romney would turn the theological principle of a preferential option for the poor on its head. […]

Obama accurately calls our time a “make-or-break moment for America’s middle class.” Despite attempts by the media to see that as a shift from the right to the left, it’s a shift of priorities from K Street and Wall Street to Main Street and the other side of the tracks; from influence peddling to basic fairness, resilience and competitiveness. Romney’s “out-of-touch” gaffes do not belong to him alone – but to a conservative economic agenda at dramatic odds with Americans’ economic reality.

Learn more about CAP Action Fund’s work at AmericanProgressAction.org, “like” them on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.


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