Brilliant Obama Move!!! Calls Georgetown Law Student Assailed by Rush Limbaugh


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    by Paul Goldman

    This is the anniversary of Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain scoring 100 points against the New York Knicks, the all-time NBA record although approached by Kobe Bryant getting 81, not too shabby either. But when it comes to this year’s Dunk Contest, the President wins that with an in your face to Rush Limbaugh by telephoning Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law Student who was called a “slut” among others things by the chief ditto head and voice for the conservative radio talk show posse.

    This is beyond brilliant in terms of politics, it is so good you have to stand in awe of the President and his advisors. Wow! We are talking NBA All-Star move here. Not since Bill Russell has anyone swatted it back in someone’s face like the President just did to El Rusho.

    When they want to point to the moment the 2012 election was over, this could be the moment: it is for sure a major cultural moment in America.

    Rush Limbaugh will of course love it too, I mean this puts him on the top of the conservative news cycle for 48 hours or more. It’s the weekend, so the thing will play all weekend. Ms. Fluke lucked out for sure, but she made her luck here.

    Do the political math. The GOP wrote off the African-American vote in 1964, they wrote off California in 1994, they are writing off the Hispanic vote with their “depart them all” policy which the overwhelming number of GOP primary voters reject!!!

    The leaders of the GOP are way out of touch with their own partisans. Now they have ceded the under-30 folks generally and professional women in particular along with a slice of their families. That caps the GOP at around 47% this year in a two way race: and it is only March 2.

    100 points in a game is amazing for sure. But a reverse spin slam dunk stuff over El Rusho – “in your face!’ ain’t too shabby either. No need for the annual NBA slam dunk contest this year. We already have the highlight reel.


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