Home Virginia Politics Republicans Turn Virginia State Senate into Frat House

Republicans Turn Virginia State Senate into Frat House


I missed this over the weekend, but wanted to revisit this scene described by the Washington Post’s Laura Vozzella as the Virginia State Senate approved Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proposal to sell naming rights to roads & bridges:

While the Senate stood in recess Saturday night after the vote, one Republican got busy with marker and paper, making corporate sponsorship signs for the chamber’s polished wooden desks. […]

The senator who drew the corporate signs asked not to be identified, so I will say only that he is part of a group of reliable Republican cut-ups known as the “raucous caucus.” It’s not fair to single him out for last-day-of-session hijinks. Richmond’s upper chamber was exhausted to the point of punchy during its final, marathon session.

One normally well-behaved legislator spiked another’s drink with Tabasco sauce. Another lobbed a football in the chamber. (They were in recess when he threw it, but still!)

But hey, who are Democrats to criticize? According to the article, Democratic leader Dick Saslaw joined in the shenanigans with a “this desk sponsored by pay-day lending” sign.


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