5th CD Update: Douglass Campaign Claims 80% of Delegations; Williams Campaign Says Not So Fast!


    Earlier today, 5th CD Democrats held several caucuses to select delegates to their nominating convention scheduled for May 19. The remaining caucuses will be held this coming Monday. Around 1:30 pm this afternoon, I received the following email from the John Douglass campaign, essentially declaring victory over Peyton Williams (bolding added by me).

    I am so grateful for all the support you have shown me by helping elect enough committed Douglass delegates for us to move forward in helping to take back the House of Representatives. Supporters like you have already helped us win more than 80 percent of the decided delegations.

    But we still need you to help turnout as many people as possible to the remaining caucuses on Monday evening. Then we invite you to join our campaign celebration at Escafe on 215 W. Water Street in Charlottesville, starting at 9:00 pm — RSVP by emailing RSVP@johndouglassforcongress.com

    See the “flip” for the rest of the Douglass campaign’s email, and the Williams campaign’s response.

    Please consider making a small donation toward our post-caucus celebration.

    While this nominating process has been hotly contested, my wife Susan and I really enjoyed getting to know Peyton and his wife Bobbie at our home several weeks ago. So I am hopeful that we will be able to work together in our shared commitment to re-electing Barack Obama, electing Tim Kaine and replacing Robert Hurt.

    As we begin unifying our party over the next week, the eyes of America will be on us because the path to victory for Democrats runs through the heart of Virginia. We did it with Tom Perriello in 2008 and, with your help donating and volunteering to help reach the voters, we’ll do it again.

    Since we announced our run in the 5th District, this campaign has always been more important than any candidate or party. It is about standing up to the corporate greed that has hurt our district for the last two years by helping Virginia families get a fair chance at a better future.

    Now the real hard work begins.



    John Douglass

    Congressional Challenger

    John Douglass for Congress

    I emailed the Williams campaign for their reaction, and they sent me the following (bolding added by me; note that General Anthony McAuliffe is famous for his single-word reply to a German surrender ultimatum: “Nuts!”)

    I started to say this brings Brig. General McAuliffe’s remark to mind…

    The caucuses are part of the democratic process and our party is energized. We are earning delegates, and getting informal commitments from undeclared delegates as well. I intend to campaign vigorously; I am taking my delegates to the Convention where the nomination will be decided on the floor by the folks voting that day. Everyone who has gotten involved in the process with us is united behind the need to re-elect President Obama, elect Tim Kaine, and send Robert Hurt back to Chatham.


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