Could Tidewater Toll Delay Deal Anger Virginians Statewide?


    by Paul Goldman

    I have a question: Where is Governor McDonnell finding the $100 million and more to delay the tolls in Tidewater until January 2014 when…by chance…he will be out of office?

    It seems that the $100 million or at least most of it may be coming from transportation money otherwise expected to go to transportation projects IN OTHER AREAS OF THE STATE.

    Why do I say that? Because the Governor didn’t say the $100 million was coming from other Tidewater projects that will now be delayed as fund as diverted to the toll deal.

    It is thus a dangerous political game being played by the Republicans right now…and Democrats too if they aren’t careful here.

    By delaying the tolls until right after the 2013 GUV election, McDonnell has GUARANTEED the tooll delay, et. al, as I have been trying to say, will be a major 2013 issue. This will be clear as the details of all the documents are exposed.


    MOREOVER: The McDonnell claim that they have an agreement whereby the state can limit toll increases….is simply smoke and mirrors. I read the addendum to the deal last night.

    In order to limit the toll increase that would otherwise happen, the state has to guarantee the toll road company all the revenue they are going to lose!

    I ask: Where is that money coming from I ask you? Pro-toll road officials say the state/region needs to raise more transportation money to help with the toll road.

    Earth to everyone: There is NO CHANCE of voters in Tidewater agreeing to a new regional tax ON TOP OF THE TOLLS THEY WILL STILL HAVE TO PAY!

    So: McDonnell must either expect transportation or other monies otherwise going to AREAS OUTSIDE OF TIDEWATER to diverted to Tidewater, or he assumes other road projects in Tidewater will be delayed/junked so there will be money to give to the toll road company.

    Or is he just leaving the math to the next Governor to worry about?  

    THE DETAILS of the deal still are coming out, since reading the documents is hard going unless you being paid $500 a hour to do it like the deal lawyers.

    QUESTION AGAIN: Where is the Governor getting his $100 million for Tidewater? Does it come at the expense of NOVA, Southwest, The Valley, Richmond Metro, where?

    If not, then what road projects or other programs in Tidewater will now be getting less money than they had been promised or will simply be axed?

    Senate Democrats need to ask these questions, and so do Democrats who want to run for statewide office next year.


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