Rick Santorum Bows Out, Time for Foster Friess to Take a Bayer Aspirin? (snark)


    So, Rick “Surging” Santorum announcing that he’s bowing out of the Teapublican loony show (aka, “race for the presidential nomination” after being crushed by a gazillion dollars of negative ads from Willard and Company. The big question now? What will top Santorum supporter Foster Friess, who suggested that back in his day, women would use a Bayer aspirin between their knees as contraception – watch the video, I’m not making this up – do now (other than take a Bayer aspirin or two)? So sad. (snark)

    P.S. In all seriousness, the fact that utterly bonkers Rick Santorum was ever considered a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination should really say it all about this John Birch Society nuthouse masquerading as the “GOP.”  


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