Slimeball Donald Trump Doubles Down on “Birtherism;” Willard Stands by His Man!


    The latest from Mr. Narcissistic Personality Disorder himself (that would be “The Donald” Trump) is that he’s doubling down on his loony “birtherism”:

    Despite the fact that Donald Trump reaffirmed today that he’s pretty sure President Obama “was born in Kenya,” Mitt Romney advisor Kevin Madden defended an upcoming joint fundraiser in Las Vegas today, arguing that Romney shouldn’t be held responsible for Trump’s birtherism.

    In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Madden noted that Romney has publicly repudiated the birther myth in the past, and would do it again, but stopped short of saying that the candidate will do it in Trump’s presence.

    So, let’s get this straight. First, one of Willard’s top supporters, surrogates, and fundraisers is an out-and-out “birther.” Second, Romney himself is scheduled to hold a major fundraiser in Las Vegas next Tuesday, and he’s not showing any sign of canceling it. Third, Romney’s continuing to be a coward, refusing to outright disown Trump, or even to tell him in person that this “birther” thing is, well, racist insanity. Fourth, the corporate/conservative media made a huge deal over a random comment by some Democratic lobbyist you never heard of (a comment which Ann Romney said was her “early birthday present”), but they’re not making a huge deal out of Romney’s close alliance with “birther” Donald Trump. Shocker, huh? Sadly, it isn’t, but in a sane world, it would be.


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