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Kaiser Health Poll: Americans Want Republicans to Stop Their Efforts to Block “Obamacare”


A new Kaiser Health Tracking Poll has findings that completely refute the claims of Eric Can’tor, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney that “the American people” want them to spend their time and energy fighting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare.” Here are a few highlights from the poll:

*Americans are split evenly, 41%-41%, about whether they favor “Obamacare.” That represents an improvement from 37%-44% last month.

*Of course, part of the opposition to the health care law comes from people who actually want to expand it (28%). Combined with those who want to keep the law as it is (25%), that’s a 53% majority in support of the law, compared to just 20% who want to outright repeal it and 18% who want to “repeal and replace.”

*By a 47%-43% margin, Americans support the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the health care law. Only 17% say that they’re actually “angry” about the Supreme Court’s ruling, while 18% are “enthusiastic.”

*The partisan breakdown of views on the Court’s decision is that Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents strongly support it, while true Independents (e.g., do not “lean” one way or the other) split right down the middle (39%-39%). The ONLY people who disapprove of the Supreme Court’s decision, in other words, are Republicans and Tea Partiers. Shocker, huh?

*70% of Americans say that the Court’s ruling doesn’t impact the likelihood that they’ll vote this November, while 22% say it makes them “more likely,” and 2% “less likely.” Unfortunately, Republicans seem more fired up about this than Democrats and Independents, so that’s something to be concerned about.

*By a 56%-38% margin, Americans want opponents of the health care law to “stop their efforts to block the law and move on to other national problems.” Not that Can’tor, Boehner et al will listen…


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