Virginia Democrats Confront Allen with the Cost of his Campaign Agenda


    Richmond, VA – Today the Democratic Party of Virginia delivered a mock invoice to the campaign headquarters of former Senator George Allen listing the steep cost just two of pieces of his campaign agenda have and would incur to American taxpayers.

    Recently two studies put a number on the cost to taxpayers of two of Allen’s signature agenda items. Allen strongly advocated that Republicans use last summer’s debt ceiling vote as “leverage” to accomplish their partisan goals – the Government Accountability Office announced this week that taking Allen’s advice and delaying the vote cost American taxpayers $1.3 billion.

    Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office announced this week that Allen’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act would cost taxpayers $109 billion over the next decade.

    In recognition of the more than $110 billion Allen’s campaign agenda would cost the public before a single vote in his reelection campaign has been cast, Virginia Democrats will deliver an invoice to his office today asking him to account for his costly and reckless agenda.

    “This week the GAO and the CBO confirmed what many Virginians already know – giving George Allen another six years in the Senate is a sure way to waste taxpayer resources on a backward, obstructionist agenda that doesn’t have a thing to do with creating jobs or opportunity for the middle class,” said DPVA Executive Director David Mills.

    “After spending six years in the Senate turning a massive surplus into a massive deficit, adding $3 trillion to the debt and voting four times to raise his own pay, former Senator Allen is giving Virginians every indication that he will pick up right where he left off wasting their money on his partisan agenda.

    “Of course we don’t expect Allen to cough up money to cover the debt his agenda has and would rack up for taxpayers, but he should take accountability for the fiscal recklessness that has weakened our economy, strapped public institutions and created the very debt crisis that he began exploiting for personal political gain last summer and hasn’t stopped since.”

    Below is a graphic version of the invoice that the Democratic Party of Virginia delivered to Allen’s office this morning:




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