Home 2019 Elections Video: Bush Treasury Secretary Says Romney Economic Plan is Nothing, an “Empty...

Video: Bush Treasury Secretary Says Romney Economic Plan is Nothing, an “Empty Bag”


It’s great to see that there’s at least one reality-based Republican out there. Any others? Bottom line: the economy is recovering from the mess President Obama inherited in 2009, no thanks to Congressional Republicans who have rooted for economic failure and worked to make this president “fail.” As for Willard “Mitt” Romney, he’s got absolutely nothing to offer in terms of an economic plan, other than tax cuts for the super rich and tax increases for everyone else (if he plans to keep his promise of revenue neutrality).  Plus, as an added “bonus,” we’d get a militaristic, ultra-nationalist, incompetent foreign policy (didn’t we just suffer through that from 2001 to 2008?), with the same loony-tune advisors who screwed things up in the George W. Bush administration. Oh, and we’d also have defunding of Planned Parenthood, the loss of a woman’s right to choose, reinstatement of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, a sharp lurch backwards on clean energy and the environment, etc. Why would anyone in their right mind want that?


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