Home 2019 Elections Video: The (Crazy, Nasty) Company George Allen Keeps

Video: The (Crazy, Nasty) Company George Allen Keeps


Good work by DPVA (never thought you’d hear those words from my lips, eh? heh)! Here’s the press release I received from DPVA spokesman Brian Coy last night.)

Tomorrow (Monday Oct. 15) the Democratic Party of Virginia will release a new video (linked below) raising the question of what GOP Super-Donor Foster Friess sees in former Senator George Allen’s campaign that motivated him to make a $10,000 contribution to a pro-Allen SuperPAC, as reported last week by the National Journal. I hope you will use it as part of your morning round-up.

Allen, who in 2006 said “you can tell a lot about someone by those they keep company with,” should explain which part of his record or agenda led Friess, who is best known for suggesting that “gals” hold an Aspirin between their knees as an alternative to FDA-approved contraceptives, to support his reelection bid so forcefully.

In this case the answer may be Allen’s support for Personhood legislation that could ban some forms of birth control, or the Blunt Amendment that would have given employers the right to deny their employees coverage for contraceptives, mammograms and cancer screenings for any reason.

Virginians may also question why Allen is such an attractive candidate to a donor who featured prominently in radical Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s presidential race and once suggested that President Obama needs a “bulletproof teleprompter.”

If George Allen believes Virginians “can tell a lot about someone by those they keep company with,” he should stand up and explain what Foster Friess’ support of his campaign says about him.


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