Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, October 25. Also, check out the video, in which Gov. Bob McDonnell (R, last I checked – same party as George Allen) argues strongly that the sequestration deal was absolutely necessary to avoid “default of the greatest nation on earth,” which is why so many Republicans – but not crazy George Allen – supported it!

*Romney backs Mourdock as Obama continues criticism (How can anyone support Mourdock at this point? Just bizarre…)

*Donald Trump mocked on Twitter (Yet another BFF of Willard’s. Ugh.)

*Bill Clinton to stump with Obama in Virginia

*Obama says Latino vote is key to victory, vows immigration reform in 2013

*Jeff’s Notes: Political fraud (“Serious allegations are flying from both parties this election season, as if more proof were needed that politics isn’t pretty.”)

*Adelson gives $1.5 million to pro-Allen PAC (Sheldon Adelson is a Las Vegas casino slimeball and war mongering fool. No wonder he gave to Allen.)

*Allen restarts linking Kaine to Obama

*Ken Cuccinelli to discuss eminent domain

*Virginia’s Allen gets flak from fellow Republican in Maryland over energy stance (Republican Rep. Roscoe Bartlett: “George Allen, who’s a really nice young man, several years ago, he spoke somewhere, and he said some really dumb things about energy… He still says dumb things about energy.”)

*Candidates retain ties to companies (Despite what Bartlett said, it’s not that Allen’s “dumb” when it comes to energy, it’s that he’s 100% bought and paid for by Big Oil and other fossil fuel interests. That’s far worse than being “dumb.”)

*U-Va. president’s ouster still needs clarifying

*Fighting for the 5th: Can Democrats retake Virginia’s largest district?

*Sen. Jim Webb mum on Obama’s ‘bayonets’ remark (Pretty funny, because Webb resigned as Secretary of the Navy in part because he thought the Reagan Administration was not building enough warships. Or bayonets and horses to put on those warships? LOL)

*DEVELOPING: Moran’s Son Resigns from Campaign Following Video Release

*Stanley tries to help Powell turn 7th blue, or at least bluegrass

*Allen lays defense cuts at Kaine’s feet in new ad (WTF? Kaine wasn’t even in Congress, Allen’s own party was largely responsible for sequestration, AND it’s highly unlikely those “defense cuts” will even happen. Other than that, it’s a totally accurate charge by Allen against Kaine! LOL)

*Va. election officials ask Cuccinelli for voter registration probe

*Anti-gang award goes to Cuccinelli staffer known for nudity case

*Vote yes on light rail

*Editorial: In the 6th District, no good choice (“The race pits a veteran congressman on the wrong side of major policy issues against a newcomer with little understanding of the job he seeks.” HUH?!? What a bizarre editorial; makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.)

*Carillon hosts Obama today

*Rigell, Hirschbiel differ on ways to protect Navy jobs

*Rigell, Hirschbiel debate in VB

*9th District congressional candidates meet in Roanoke


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