Voter suppression underway in Virginia


    Looks as though the GOTP is starting early to steal the election.

    This from Dan Froomkin at Huffington:…

    Some African American, Spanish-speaking and elderly voters in Florida and Virginia are apparently being targeted by anonymous voter-suppression groups trying to trick them or intimidate them into not voting in the November presidential election, according to election officials and voter protection organizations.

    The Virginia State Board of Elections is warning residents that “some Virginia voters, particularly older Virginians, are receiving phone calls from unidentified individuals informing voters that they can vote over the phone. This information is false.”

    HuffPo also reports that, in Florida, anonymous callers have been warning prospective voters that automobile insurance and registration will be checked at the polls.

    Tell everyone you know about this, especially your friends with dark skin or funny accents.  Probably be helpful to alert NAACP and African-American preachers.



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