
    We may be seeing former Democratic nominee for Virginia State Senate, Shaun Broy on the ballot once again, sooner than later.

    The growing Independent Green Party of Virginia, who has been very successful at putting Independent candidates on the ballot from local to statewide offices has big plans for Broy. If the party is successful at convincing him to be a part of their statewide ticket in 2013 as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

    “We believe that Shaun Broy brings a lot to the table that the people of Virginia would appreciate,” said Independent Green Party Chairman Joesph Oddo. “We are a party that embraces candidates from across the political spectrum.”

    The party was impressed by his performance as the “unannointed” Democratic candidate, who got very little support from the Democratic of Virginia. He also has clashed at times with local and state Democratic leaders over various issues.

    Broy filed a formal complaint against area sheriffs a few days after his defeat, who publicly supported his Republican opponent, incumbent Jill Holtzman Vogel during the election. The sheriffs appeared in various direct mailers and other Vogel campaign materials, which such support is prohibited according to the Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan.

    “It is one of our main pillars that we have more candidates and less apathy,” said Oddo. “Broy stepped up to run an extremely gutsy state senate campaign that was anything but conventional and established himself as his own man.”

    “If you look at what he was able to accomplish, with the amount of time and resources he had to work with, it was pretty remarkable. He was out spend by hundreds of thousands of dollars, by the political machine known as Jill Holtzman-Vogel.”

    Broy apparently is considering the possibility of a statewide run.

    “I have spoken with the leaders of the Indpendent Green Party about running as an Independent candidate for Lieutenant Governor,” said Broy. “If I were to jump into the race, it would definitely be a bold endeavor. This would be an anti-establishment movement that I believe could generate an unique option for my fellow Virginians.”

    The process of actually landing a spot on a statewide ballot is no easy task. It would require an Independent candidate to submit 10,000 signatures of registered voters, which must include at least 400 signatures from each of the eleven congressional districts.

    “We have proven our ability to put candidates on the ballot from the school board level, to presidential candidates, said Oddo. “It wouldn’t be a question of “if” we get him on the ballot. It would simply be more of a question of “when” we get it done. If he decides to run, you will see his name on the ballot.”

    Broy has remained politically visible and vocal since his loss last November. He has served as Vice Chairman of the Frederick County Democratic Committee and an active member of the Democratic Party of Virginia, until he tendered his resignations in late summer.

    He has weighed in on numerous issues, with editorials published in area newspapers. Including one that seemed to call for a rebellion within the local Democratic committees.

    He recently wrapped up serving as Communications Director for Kristin Cabral for Congress. Cabral was the Democratic nominee for the 10th Congressional District race, which Congressman Frank Wolf won to earn his 17th term.

    When asked about his allegiance to the Democratic Party, Broy remained vague.

    “I have worked hard to remain a champion for many of the fundamental principles and values associated with the Democratic Party. I haven’t left the Democratic Party, neither have a lot of others that the party establishment have either ignored, forgotten or seemingly left behind.”

    “The issue that I have to come to terms with isn’t about deciding to run for office once again or not. It is moving forward, without the typical two parties, with ties as thick as a single thread, that continues to weaken the binds of the majority of political beliefs together in a way that so many of us are completely sick of being the case.”

    “I am sure many questions will come, regarding my loyalty to the Democratic Party. The belief that I carry forward in this process, is that the Democratic Party will realize that it’s most loyal soldiers have been forgotten along the way,” said Broy. “I join many others that have become Democratic candidates, who fought for a lot of the basic and core Democratic principles that stem from the roots of the party, which define what being a ‘true-blue’ Democrat is truly all about.”

    “Let me be clear, I am from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. That doesn’t seem to exist so much anymore,” added Broy. “The Democratic Party has left many of us behind, those who have fought hard for it in the trenches over the past few years. The Democratic Party left me a long time ago, so be sure of the fact that I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me.”

    “The Independent Green Party allows me the opportunity to be the candidate that I know that I truly want to be, without all the baggage that comes along with a nomination process and all that such implies,” said Broy.

    “This is a step forward. This is a step towards progress. This is a step towards getting the message across that no political party or organization can hold us as prisoners, within our own beloved nation. This is the United States of America and this happens to be a Democracy.”

    ” I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I am proud of who I am and what I represent,” pointed Broy. “I am now proud to be an Independent.”

    “I am an independent voice and ready to lead this state towards a better tomorrow for us all, said Broy. That’s what is truly important and exactly what Virginians need right now. This is a time where we must as move forward together, better and for the good.”

    “I may be an Independent at the moment, but that does not mean that I am a candidate for any political office right now,” stated Broy. “There is a lot of work to be done in our communities and across this state. I hope that more independently minded individuals are allowed a seat at the table.”

    “You can rest assured that if I become an official candidate for office once again that our community will be the very first to know,” added Broy.

    “I have no further comment at this time.”


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