Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, November 30.

*Obama offers GOP an ambitious, progressive debt-reduction plan (Add a carbon tax in there and we’d be all set.)

*Warner says bipartisan deal is needed to avoid fiscal cliff (Yes, by definition, given the 60-vote Senate requirement. The question is, what’s going to be IN the deal?)

*Obama to GOP: I’m done negotiating with myself (Good for Obama standing up to these bullies.)

*Is this the planet we want to leave behind? (“President Obama should devote his next State of the Union address to climate change. He understands the science and knows the threat is real. Convincing the American people of this truth would be a great accomplishment – and perhaps the most important legacy of his second term.”)

*Out of governor’s race, Bolling still a wild card (“Narrowed field leaves Va. voters with stark choice”)

*Virginia would be better with Bolling on the ballot

*Bolling’s exit could create schism within Va. GOP

*McDonnell endorses Cuccinelli, but Bolling doesn’t

*Republicans differ over party’s future

*Bill Bolling explains decision to quit race for GOP gubernatorial nomination

*Virginia GOP Chair Attacks Republican Virginia Lt. Gov. (“I am disappointed by Lt. Governor Bolling’s remarks over the past 48 hours. Lt. Governor Bolling has a stellar record of public service, and has long been a strong voice for the conservative cause.”)

* As Bolling bows out, Radtke rants on GOP ‘establishment’

*Bolling on what might have been (“If we want to grow our party over time, we need to involve more people in our party with more diverse views, as opposed to fewer people with more myopic views, and I feel we would grow our party by having a primary as opposed to a convention”)

*Warner, Webb, Griffith want enforcement of trade duties to help Virginia furniture makers

*Senate Approves Webb Amendment to Reaffirm U.S. Commitment to Japan on the Senkaku Islands (The Senkaku Islands were a “gotcha” question by Jim Webb in a 2006 debate with George Allen, but there far more than a “gotcha” question today.)

*Sen. Webb: Focus on Defense Department’s ‘must-have’ programs

*Virginia AG claims state energy law costs customers of two largest power companies $1 billion-plus too much

*Editorial: An air ball for the Beach (“The city wants Virginia taxpayers to help pay for a pro basketball arena.”)

*Exoneration but no justice for wrongly imprisoned man in Va. (“Unlike about half the states, Virginia does have legal guidelines for compensating people who have been wrongly convicted.”)

*Nationals acquire center fielder Denard Span, send pitcher Alex Meyer to Minnesota


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