New Poll: NRA Ad Money Completely Failed in Virginia; Voters Trust Obama More on Gun Issues


    With poll results like the following, why is it again that politicians quake in their boots every time the NRA or gun issues are mentioned?

    Voters in key three swing states preferred President Barack Obama to Mitt Romney on gun control issues, and overwhelmingly support a number of gun control measures, according to a poll released Thursday from an advocacy group.

    The survey of voters in Virginia, North Carolina and Colorado found 45 percent of voters trusted Obama on gun issues, compared with only 40 percent who trusted Romney. Obama had the largest advantage in Virginia, where he led Romney 48 percent to 39 percent.

    The survey, paid for by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, also found the National Rifle Association had little impact on the presidential election.

    How little impact did the NRA have on the election? Well, they spent something like $12 million against President Obama, and we know how that one worked out. 🙂 They also spent $700,000 or so against Tim Kaine. That is, Senator-ELECT Tim Kaine. Heh.

    P.S. In other news, the poll found that 88% of Virginians, including 91% of gun-owning households, favor requiring gun owners to pass a background check. I mean, why would anyone other than criminals, gangs, etc. oppose that?


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