Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, January 27.

*Virginia case highlights need to stop gerrymandering by GOP, Democrats alike (“Both Republicans and Democrats regularly exhibit such greed and dishonesty in manipulating electoral maps that a Columbia University expert who studies the practice likened his work to that of an anthropologist who observes cannibals.”)

*Today’s top opinion: Seeing red: The Electoral College

*Schapiro: Va. Senate Democrats divided, dysfunctional, naive (” More than divided, they are dysfunctional. Their leadership – what leadership? – is better at speaking out after the fact than outsmarting Republicans before it. And Democrats are naïve, believing if they’re nice to Republicans, Republicans will be nice in return.”)

*Electoral College Change Could Weaken Northern Virginia’s Influence

*Ken Cuccinelli Opposes Electoral Vote Split Plan: “I Don’t Like Breaking Up States”

*Cuccinelli seeks bipartisan backing to ease ballot access rules in Virginia

*Virginia’s GOP lawmakers endanger Gov. Bob McDonnell’s legacy

*Virginia Democrats criticize electoral vote changes they once supported

*Editorial: Allow Dreamers to pay in-state tuition (“Legislators should note the growing clout of Hispanic voters and adopt enlightened immigration laws.”)

*Gun-related homicides and injuries down as firearm sales soar

*In Virginia, Teach for America may fill gaps

*Fairfax County water plan could block homeowners from adding on

*Prospect of East Coast uranium mining dividing Virginia in debate over jobs vs. environment

*Rapid growth drives frequent boundary changes in Northern Virginia schools

*A bad wager on betting referendum

*Why Virginia ♥ Panama

*D.C. area forecast: Heading out of the deep freeze


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