Home National Politics White Males Frank Wolf, Scott Rigell Teach GOP “Successful Communication with Minorities...

White Males Frank Wolf, Scott Rigell Teach GOP “Successful Communication with Minorities and Women”


Is this parody, self parody, satire, or what?

The House Republicans are holding their annual winter retreat in quaint tourist village Williamsburg, Virginia, this weekend in order to recuperate and prepare for upcoming legislative battles. Besides partaking in discussions about the debt ceiling and gun restrictions, GOP congressmen and women will also be getting schooled in the fine art of how to have “successful communication with minorities and women.”


And what better place to talk about making inroads with oppressed groups than in a room named after a famous Williamsburg plantation, located in the tony Kingsmill Resort, which itself is on the site of another plantation? The GOP has heard your complaints, blacks and Latinos and women, and they’re going to try to suss it out while sitting atop dead slave bones.

Hahahaha. Of course, I will say this for Frank Wolf: despite being a total right wingnut, he remains inexplicably popular in the Democratic-leaning 10th CD. So, apparently he knows how to communicate with someone. Or maybe it’s those mythical “good constituent services”(what does he do, hand deliver pizzas and send out handwritten birthday cards to everyone in his district?) we always hear about (as if no other representative could be responsive to constituents, while also not voting in lockstep with Can’tor et al)?


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