Home National Politics Rep. Connolly Statement on Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act

Rep. Connolly Statement on Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act


Congressman Gerald E. Connolly (VA-11th)

Floor statement re: Republican substitute to S. 47, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act


Mr. Speaker,


Last week, the Senate again passed the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in a bipartisan 78-22 vote.


I am proud to cosponsor the House companion, which now has 200 cosponsors, because the need for these protections continues to grow. Turning Points, the only domestic violence intervention program in Prince William County, in my district, served 6,000 clients last year. In neighboring Fairfax, there were more than 8,000 cases of domestic violence reported, and we have seen a 40% increase in homelessness due to domestic violence. 


Yet House Republicans still insist on politicizing these vital services for women, children and families at risk of abuse.  Their alternative falls short of addressing key areas of the Senate bill like improving college campus safety and protecting human trafficking victims.


No doubt we have some tough battles ahead, so let’s claim a bipartisan victory while we can by passing the Senate bill. 


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