Home Virginia Politics Sign Sen. Herring’s and Del. Hope’s Petition to Pass the Medicaid Expansion...

Sign Sen. Herring’s and Del. Hope’s Petition to Pass the Medicaid Expansion Immediately!


Dear Friend,

When it comes to expanding healthcare access to needy families, political gamesmanship has no place in the conversation.

But Republican extremists in the House of Delegates don’t see it that way and they proved it by blocking the expansion of Medicaid in Virginia – an expansion that will cover over 300,000 uninsured Virginians and infuse tens of billions of dollars into our state’s economy. They’re putting ideological politics ahead of Virginians.

We need to make clear where we stand on this: We want more access to healthcare, not less. We want to make sure every child can see a doctor. That a basic illness doesn’t spell financial ruin.

I’m joining with Delegate Patrick Hope to demand immediate steps to pass an expansion, but we need your support. It has to be unequivocally clear this is what Virginia wants. Send that message.

Sign our petition demanding the General Assembly vote to pass the Medicaid expansion immediately. Virginians shouldn’t be kept waiting, and we have to move to get it set up on time.

Expanding Medicaid would be a boon for struggling families and our economy. Our state ranks 48th in Medicaid coverage. We have to do better. And as we expand coverage, we’ll create up to 30,000 new jobs, which will be great for small businesses.

It will have almost no impact on our state budget because of all the job gains. There’s no reason not to get this passed. But we have to make sure Republican extremists in the General Assembly see that.

To move them to action, we need you to stand up and speak out. Make your voice heard now in support of the expansion.

Join Del. Hope and me in calling on the Genearl Assembly to immediately pass the expansion. This is an easy call.

Thanks for your support,

Mark Herring


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