Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, February 24.

*Sequester’s big gamble: How bad will the pain be?

*Governors frustrated with gridlock, sequestration (Well, duh, stop sending ideologically extremist teahadist types to Washington, DC, and they’ll actually be able to get stuff done there!)

*Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales (That’s the no-brainer part, now what about restricting high-capacity magazines, etc?)

*Woodward Misses The Mark

*Va. Senate sends sweeping road legislation to McDonnell

*Virginia lawmakers approve sweeping transportation plan

*Deal ends long gridlock on transportation (“Gov. Bob McDonnell, who has demanded for weeks that lawmakers send him a comprehensive solution, is poised to succeed where his Democratic and Republican predecessors have fallen short for two decades.”)

*Editorial: When the state doesn;t trust its own papers (“Gov. McDonnell needs to tell his party enough is enough in its expensive, alienating quest to root out phantom voter fraud.”)

*Bolling’s statement on passage of transportation bill

*Democrats claim win, GOP says not so fast

*McCartney: Virginia transportation deal shows virtues of compromise

*McDonnell leans on Democrats for legacy legislation

*Cuccinelli opinion could jeopardize deals on Medicaid, roads (Apparently, they figured away around Cuckoo’s opinion…)

*Schapiro: Jittery over cuts, Va. pols still love to spend

*Editorial: Teamwork needed to avoid sequester (“Local congressmen must move beyond insistence that the deficit can shrink with budget cuts alone.”)

*Virginia Beach Del. Iaquinto won’t seek re-election

*Virginia’s solution politics

*Is the Post ‘pro-gay’? (I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry about this one. Since when is supporting the equality of all Americans “pro” a certain group of Americans? Also, since when should newspapers need to care about the opinions of bigots?)


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