American Bridge Launches “Ken on the Issues”


    Today, American Bridge launched Ken on the Issues, which they describe as “a tool to educate voters on Cuccinelli’s extreme views on everything from sexual orientation and climate change to Medicare and reproductive freedom.” The following statements, here (click to “embiggen”) and on the “flip,” show that Cuccinelli has focused his entire career “on furthering his extreme agenda rather than finding mainstream solutions for Virginians.” I’d add that he also has a bizarre obsession with matters of sex and sexuality, an attraction to conspiracy theories (e.g, “birtherism”), a fanatical hatred of our government, an agenda aimed at serving the interests of truly bad actors (the Koch brothers etc.), plus a healthy dose of bigotry and intolerance of various kinds.

    Then there’s his denial of climate science and persecution of one of the leading climate scientists in the world, Professor Michael Mann. That alone should be far, far more than sufficient to disqualify him from consideration for any Virginian’s vote. In sum, this is the LAST guy we’d ever want to put in a position of authority, let alone governor of Virginia!

    P.S. Also make sure to read the full citations here.  


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