Richmond Business Leaders Announce Support for McAuliffe


    From the McAuliffe for Governor campaign; anyone sensing a trend here? 🙂

    Richmond Business Leaders Announce Support for McAuliffe

    A group of prominent Richmond business and community leaders are announcing their support for Terry McAuliffe today, following a wave of endorsements for the Democratic candidate for Governor from prominent Virginia Republicans and business leaders over the past two weeks.

    Those who announced their support for McAuliffe include Whitt Clement, the former Virignia Secretary of Transportation and former member of the Virginia House of Delegates, Bill Hall, a Republican and Vice President of Executive Communications at Dominion, Pamela Reynolds, a cultural arts supporter in Richmond, Richard S. Reynolds III, President of the Richard S. Reynolds Trusts and Richard S. Reynolds Foundation, and Michael Schewel, the former Secretary of Commerce and Trade of Virginia.

    “I am supporting Terry McAuliffe because I know, as Governor, he will work with Republicans and Democrats alike to build on the progress our Legislature made when we passed the first transportation funding bill in 27 years,” Clement commented.

    Bill Hall also referenced McAuliffe’s commitment to finding bipartisan solutions to the issues Virginians care about, noting, “A broad consensus exists around the need for bipartisan solutions as the best path forward for all our communities. I strongly support Terry McAuliffe as the person to keep us together and get that job done.”

    Schewel, who served as Secretary of Commerce and Trade under Governor Mark Warner, stated that McAuliffe “knows what Virginia companies need in order to grow and compete in the global market” and is “the right man for the job.

    Statement from Whitt Clement, former Virginia Secretary of Transportation and former member of the Virginia House of Delegates:

    “As the former Secretary of Transportation of Virginia and a former member of the Virginia House of Delegates, I am supporting Terry McAuliffe because I know, as Governor, he will work with Republicans and Democrats alike to build upon the progress our Legislature made when we passed the first transportation funding bill in 27 years earlier this year. We saw Terry urge fellow Democrats to support the legislation, championed by Governor Bob McDonnell, because he knew that it was a commonsense proposal that would improve our infrastructure and help reduce the gridlock that hampers business growth across the Commonwealth.”

    Statement from Bill Hall, a Virginia Republican and Vice President of Executive Communications, Dominion:

    “Virginia thrives when its leadership embraces the broad intents of its people, particularly when it comes to economic prosperity and the preservation of a solid business climate. I am convinced that Terry McAuliffe will provide such leadership for Virginia. Whatever differences may occur between Virginians – and there are always some — a broad consensus exists around the need for bipartisan solutions as the best path forward for all our communities. I strongly support Terry McAuliffe as the person to keep us together and get that job done. ”

    Statement from Pamela Reynolds, Richmond cultural arts supporter:

    “I am supporting Terry McAuliffe because he understands the importance of the role that educational, cultural, and historical institutions play in the quality of life for all Virginians and as Governor he will work to strengthen their ability to contribute to that quality of life.

    Statement from Richard S. Reynolds III, President of the Richard S. Reynolds Trusts and Richard S. Reynolds Foundation:

    “I am supporting Terry McAuliffe because he is focused on issues that will grow Virginia’s economy and support our communities.  He is committed to investing in our education and infrastructure systems.  And he will work to make Virginia a more open, welcoming, tolerant place- one that encourages all people to invest here, come here, work here and raise their children here which will help our state thrive and provide a stronger foundation for the next generation of Virginians. ”

    Statement from Michael Schewel, former Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade:

    “I support Terry McAuliffe for Governor because he knows Virginia business. He knows what Virginia companies need in order to grow and compete in the global market. With the tough economic issues we face in coming years, Terry is the right man for the job.”


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