Home National Politics “Slap Hillary in the Face” Guy Has Close Connections to VA House...

“Slap Hillary in the Face” Guy Has Close Connections to VA House Speaker Howell, Rep. Wittman


UPDATE: Chris Marston responds in the comments section of this post.

Wonderful, eh?

The Hillary Project, a super PAC that calls itself the “only thing standing between” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) and the White House, has posted a video game in which players are encouraged to slap Clinton across her face. The sole officer identified on the PAC’s public filings, Christopher M. Marston, is a Republican operative with ties to several prominent GOP officeholders.


Marston, a former Alexandria, VA Republican chairman, an unsuccessful 2011 candidate for Clerk of the City Court, and an Assistant Secretary of Education in the George W. Bush adminsitration, is treasurer of The Hillary Project…

…Marston, who served as treasurer for the pro-Rick Santorum Red, White, and Blue fund in 2012, also currently serves in a similar role for leadership PACs for Rep. Marlin Stuzman (R-IN), Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA), and Virginia Speaker of the House William Howell (R). None of those three responded immediately to ThinkProgress inquiries about their reaction to the game and their treasurer’s involvement.

Why am I note surprised at any of this, from the “war on women” party?


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