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Cuccinelli “Father’s Rights” Ally Offers “apologies for rape, domestic violence and child abuse”


Remember Stephen Baskerville of the “fathers’ rights” movement? This is the guy who is “a staunch supporter of Cuccinelli’s,”who when “Cuccinelli introduced legislation to penalize the spouse who filed for a no-fault divorce in child custody cases, Baskerville praised Cuccinelli for fighting against the no-fault divorce ‘epidemic.'” In other words, Cuckoo is tight with this Baskerville dude, and very much simpatico to his “father’s rights” movement. With that in mind, check this out!

A mandatory lecture given to the students of the Christian conservative Patrick Henry College on Friday offered apologies for rape, domestic violence and child abuse, and blamed American mass incarceration on feminists’ insistance on prosecuting sexual violence.

Patrick Henry professor Stephen Baskerville, a so-called “men’s rights” advocate, delivered the college’s annual “Faith and Reason” lecture, Libby Anne reported at Patheos. Baskerville started off with his thesis that feminists and Islamists are working together to push Christians out of public life, sort of like the alliance between Hitler and Stalin

…Feminists, he argues, have used the sexual revolution to impose “state repression”  and “transformed our government into a matriarchal leviathan”  by criminalizing rape, domestic violence and child abuse. Baskerville cites the work of University of Pennsylvania professor Marie Gottschalk to claim that the criminalization of sexual violence has led to the United States’ historic levels of mass incarceration. Gottschalk argued that women’s groups’ working with law and order groups in the 1960s and ’70s “contributed to a more punitive climate,” not that the criminalization of sexual violence led to mass incarceration. But no matter- in the prosecution of rape and domestic violence, Baskerville sees “our own homegrown version of Stalinism.”

I presume Ken Cuccinelli’s campaign will IMMEDIATELY condemn this, just as they did yesterday with the Jewish “joke” by the emcee at their rally, the same guy who’s a close ally of Cuccinelli’s (even nominated him at the GOP convention in May). Oh wait, they haven’t condemned Jewish “joke” guy John Whitfield, almost 24 hours after the “joke.” All they’ve done so far is claimed to not know him, a bald-faced lie, since they are close political allies. Also, presumably since they haven’t condemned him, they must agree with him? We’ll see if they have any comment on Stephen Baskerville’s outrageous, insane, extremist remarks, but I don’t recommend anyone hold their breath!


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