Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, September 25. As for the debate last night, my main takeaway was that EW Jackson is a great actor. Last night, he played a sane person, which clearly he is not if you’ve looked at his long history of insane, extremist remarks. My concern is that if you have NOT looked at his long history of insane, extremist remarks (as most Virginians have not done), you might think, “hey, this guy’s not as bad as he’s been portrayed to be.” And that really worries me.

*Democrats see shutdown threat as 2014 opening (And 2013 in Virginia as well, I’d add…)

*Sen. Cruz continues attack on Obamacare through the night (And the Teahadist crazies lap this stuff up…)

*What Obama’s U.N. speech means for the U.S. relationship with Iran

*Gov. McDonnell’s approval rating drops to new low, poll finds (“Amid gifts scandal, fewer than half of Virginia’s registered voters approve of the job he is doing.”)

*Romney to headline Cuccinelli fund-raiser (Mr. 47%, “corporations are people my friend,” etc. is baaaaaack!)

*McDonnell: Navy Yard shouldn’t bring new gun limits (Schocker, huh?)

*Ralph Northam eventually draws contrast with E.W. Jackson in Virginia lt. governor’s debate (“To fault him for speaking out on religious issues, Jackson said, was to create a religious test for holding public office…[Northam] blistered Jackson’s argument on two points.”)

*Jackson, Northam Face Off in Lt. Gov. Debate (“Virginia’s lieutenant governor candidates – as starkly different in style as they are in politics -clashed Tuesday night over health care, how to care for the dangerously mentally ill and women’s access to reproductive health services”)

*Virginia gubernatorial candidates head to 2nd debate

*Lawsuit seeks contacts between Cuccinelli’s office, Star Scientific CEO

*As shutdown of government looms, Virginia makes plans

*Tonight’s debate key test for Cuccinelli, McAuliffe

*Absentee voting open in Virginia for Nov. 5 election

*Schapiro: Tonight’s debate – channel-changer or race-changer? (“The potential for reaching vast numbers of voters is considerable. The reality is that relatively few will tune in. That does not diminish the debate’s significance, especially in shaping the final six weeks of the campaign.”)

*Virginia Beach gives approval to city’s first mosque

*McDonnell’s Education secretary takes U.Va. post (Ah, the revolving door…gotta love it. Or not.)

*Chamber PAC backs Northam, sits out 2 other races (Chambers of Commerce are overwhelmingly Republican. My attitude is that they SHOULD endorse Republicans, and that if they don’t, it really says something about how extreme they think the Republicans up for election that cycle are.)

*Staying in the September sweet spot (“What Mother Nature is lacking in creativity, she is making up for in consistently magnificent weather.”)

*Nationals nearly make the wrong kind of history in loss to Cardinals


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