Home 2019 Elections E.W. Jackson vs. Pope Francis

E.W. Jackson vs. Pope Francis


I don’t know about you, but it’s not exactly a difficult choice between a true follower of Jesus’ teachings (Pope Francis) on the one hand, and a bigoted extremist wacko on the other.

Jackson said he disagreed with Pope Francis, who sent shockwaves through the Roman Catholic Church last week when he said that the church had grown “obsessed” with gay marriage, abortion and contraception, and that he had chosen not to talk about those issues.


Jackson said Sunday: “I know even the pope has said when we talk about these things, we imply a kind of intolerance. That is not the point at all. The point is to be true to the word of God. The point is to stand up and tell the truth. There is no better way found, ever, to raise children than with a mother and a father in the home. Even sociologically, you can make the argument.”

But Jackson said that “this is not about hating people based on their sexual orientation or based on same-sex relationships or having bigotry against them,” but about whether “this culture is going to remain a culture based on Judeo-Christian values and principles, or whether we’re going to become something else.”

Translation: E.W. Jackson is a rabid homophobe, a stance he (wrongly) believes is backed by his faith, and no words by the Pope – or anyone else, including the tolerant teachings of Jesus – are going to change that. The question for the rest of us, those who aren’t stark raving lunatics like Jackson, is whether we are going to allow E.W. Jackson’s (and Ken Cuccinelli’s, and Mark Obenshain’s) nightmarish, intolerant, medieval-style theocratic vision take hold in America? And let’s be clear: not only have Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain not distanced themselves from E.W. Jackson, their entire past records indicate that they are very much in sync with their ticketmate’s views.

So…the bottom line is this: if for some warped reason you actually LIKE E.W. Jackson’s (and Ken Cuccinelli’s and Mark Obenshain’s) horrifying, back-to-the-Dark-Ages vision of the world, then by all means vote Republican on November 5. If not…well, you know what to do – vote Democratic up and down the ballot. And remember, if you stay home because “both sides are equally bad” or whatever bull the media feeds us all the time, it’s as bad as voting for the raving homophobic troika. So make sure you vote, and tell everyone you know to vote as well. Thanks.


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