Home 2019 Elections Murphy Shows, Comstock Doesn’t

Murphy Shows, Comstock Doesn’t


From the Kathlen Murphy for delegate campaign, the bottom line is that Barbara Comstock is terrified to debate her, and is hiding behind the cowardly excuse that a handful of gun safety protestors would have messed up the whole debate. For all her reputation as a Republican attack dog, Comstock’s more like a kitty cat or maybe a lap dog.

McLean, Va. – Over the past two weeks the voters have seen what Barbara Comstock really thinks about the constituents of the 34th District. Not much.

On October 2nd, Delegate Barbara Comstock avoided attending the League of Women Voters candidate forum. Democratic candidate Kathleen Murphy attended and took questions from interested voters for nearly 2 hours.

It is clear why Comstock doesn’t want to attend.  Her voting record shows who she really represents: The Cuccinelli-conservatives who voted against funding for the bipartisan transportation solutions, who voted against funding for education, and who voted against women’s rights.

Once again tonight, Del. Comstock was able to duck being held accountable for her extreme positions at the Great Falls Community Association debate.

Comstock is lucky she didn’t have to answer for her full-throated support of the gun lobby.  It would be hard to defend voting for guns in bars and supporting repealing the one gun a month law.

For Kathleen Murphy, preventing gun violence is personal.  “I lost a brother when he was shot and killed by a robber with a gun.  I know the pain that victims of this type of senseless violence go through.”

That is why Kathleen is for common sense measures like expanded background checks which can help keep our children and communities safe.  “I am running for the House of Delegates to represent the interests and priorities of the people of the 34th district.  Once again, Barbara Comstock has avoided being held accountable for her record of voting against us.”


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