Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few Virginia and national news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, October 25.

*U.S. alerting partner nations on Snowden files

*The implosion of the GOP brand, in one chart

*Michael Gerson to GOP: Stop being so negative (“Congressional Republicans have proved themselves divided and incapable of adopting a coherent strategy, with a significant minority determined to light the way with an auto-da-fé.”)

*Sen. Mark Warner asks for study of shutdown impact

*Full testing of HealthCare.gov began too late, contractors say (Just fix it and stop the ridiculous blame game.)

*Ratings Change: A Democratic Tide in Virginia (Larry Sabato: “Some history is being made in Virginia. The statehouse battle was supposed to be close. But as we look at Virginia’s gubernatorial contest in the stretch, just about everything is moving in a Democratic direction. The final debate Thursday night changed little, in our view – especially because it wasn’t even broadcast statewide.”)

*Why Republicans Are Losing the Virginia Governor’s Race (“Right-wing candidate Ken Cuccinelli stakes it all on a last-ditch push with his buddy Rick Santorum”)

*Ralph Northam – Opportunity to reform state ethics laws

*For Virginia’s House (I don’t care in the least bit who Lee Hockstader supports, except insofar as his endorsements MIGHT be useful to our candidates. Let’s hope that Kathleen Murphy, Mary Costello Daniel, and Jerry Foltz can make good use of these.)

*Cuccinelli’s Roads Plan a Major Bust (“…a bad deal for the commonwealth, localities who would be harmed, the business community and residents.”)

*Would-Be Virginia Governors Spar, Continuing Bitter Tone (Yeah, I don’t think they like each other at this point.)

*Gun Control, Puppies and Plans: McAuliffe and Cuccinelli’s Dirty Last Debate (Thank goodness those things are over!)

*Pollster That’s Always Wrong Has Cuccinelli Surging in Virginia (Hahahahaha.)

*McAuliffe portrays Cuccinelli as anti-gay during last debate (Not “portrays,” should be “accurately characterizes.”)

*In ad, veterans group challenges Cuccinelli on climate change (“In the spot from the left-of-center Vote Vets Action Fund, retired Army Brigadier General Steve Anderson alleges Cuccinelli’s disbelief could endanger Virginia National Guardsmen deployed by the governor to respond to extreme weather emergencies.”)

*How Ken Cuccinelli’s Position On Sodomy Could Set Numerous Sexual Predators Free

*Southwest’s drug troubles (“The prosecution of Linda Sue Cheek alone won’t cure the region’s prescription drug epidemic”)

*Redskins, a racial slur (“We love the team, but the name needs to go.”)

*Washington Capitals 4, Edmonton Oilers 1: Alex Ovechkin continues to find the net

*D.C. area forecast: Bundle-up mornings with gradually warmer afternoons


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