Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia and national news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, November 21.

*G.O.P. Maps Out Waves of Attacks Over Health Law (And the useful idiot media dutifully plays right along…)

*Democrats Poised to Block Nominee Filibusters

*Nuke ‘Em, Harry: Why Democrats Should Kill the Filibuster (“In reality, Republicans have nothing left with which to threaten you.”)

*The GOP is out to destroy the country (“Neither party is perfect nor has all the ideas or the answers. But no good comes from a party that gives up completely on governing.”)

*McAuliffe signals no retreat on expanding Medicaid (“In a room peppered with lobbyists, McAuliffe told CEOs this is an issue they can’t leave to lobbyists.”)

*Virginia investigates why Deeds’s son was released

*McDonnell directs statewide review of mental health system after Deeds incident

*Creigh Deeds tragedy shows need for continued discussion of mental health

*Official: Staunton hospital had room for Creigh Deeds’ son

*Tragic morning in Bath County (“Decades of cultural and political disregard for adequate mental health care and emergency services have created a statewide system that leaves people in dire need with nowhere to go. The consequences are devastating and real.”)

*A father’s heartbreak (“Questions about what was done to help Gus Deeds must be answered, but there is no question funding is needed.”)

*Autopsy: Creigh Deeds’ son shot himself with rifle

*Why Mental Health Care Shouldn’t Be a Budget Cut

*Senate finance panel opens 2-day retreat in Williamsburg

*McAuliffe Administration: Good start

*Democrats to Pick Candidate for AG-elect Herring’s Senate Seat Saturday (“The firehouse primary pits Leesburg attorney Jennifer Wexton against Herndon councilwoman Sheila Olem”)

*Roanoke councilman Trinkle enters 5-way race for House nomination (“The already congested field for the Democratic nomination to fill the just vacated 11th District House of Delegates seat got more crowded Wednesday with Roanoke Councilman David Trinkle’s announcement he would join the fray.”)

*Clouds keep temps down today, not Friday; Arctic slap in face Sunday


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