Home 2019 Elections Where’s the enthusiasm, Ken?

Where’s the enthusiasm, Ken?


From the DPVA:

While Ken Cuccinelli has staked his campaign on the idea that grassroots enthusiasm for his candidacy will overcome the fact that he’s alienated mainstream Virginians, yesterday’s Cuccinelli events made clear that enthusiasm is an illusion.


Cuccinelli attended “rallies” that included “just a few dozen people” or less, “heavily-promoted” events that fell far below expectations, and “crowds” that were one or two people deep.


Chesterfield: “The “rally” was small—just a few dozen people, including teenagers and one U.Va student in a blue blazer and orange pants—but the organizers had found the nicest office I’ve ever seen” http://thebea.st/1cxEmvY


Bristol: “his audience was a friendly crowd of about 30” http://bit.ly/1cxGgge


Spotsylvania: “The heavily-promoted Ken Cuccinelli rally with Scott Walker draws a crowd of… 150.” http://bit.ly/1cxEJqm


Chesterfield “Rally”:

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[Cuccinelli for Governor]  


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