Yes, a lot of things can happen in 10 months. And yes, nobody should ever take anything for granted in politics. Having said that, these numbers – by a GOP pollster, no less – don’t look too hot for slimeball lobbyist and Republican hack Ed Gillespie as he prepares to run against Sen. Mark Warner (aka, the most popular politician in Virginia).
First, the head-to-head numbers.
Yes, that’s a whopping 18-point lead for Mark Warner. I guess if you’re a Republican and you want to look on the bright side, you can focus on Warner only being at 51%, and also at the fact that Warner beat Jim Gilmore by 21 points (65%-34%) in 2008. Still, I’d rather be in our position than their’s at this point.
Now, the really amusing part (after the “flip”).
That’s right, Ed Gillespie is only chosen by 1% of Virginia Republicans, tied with Barbara Comstock, and below Bill Kristol (3%), Susan Allen (4%), Mark Obenshain (21%), and Ken Cuccinelli (58%). Hahahaha.
But wait, you say, it’s all name ID; nobody knows who Gillespie is, after all. Fair point, but that brings us to the poll question which tells voters who these fine folks are (e.g., Gillespie is a former RNC and RPV chair, as well as a “Counselor to President George W. Bush.” It doesn’t help much, with Gillespie still tied for last place (at 3%) with Barbara Comstock and Howie Lind. When Republicans are told who these people are, Gillespie also trails Susan Allen (7%), Bill Kristol (9%), Mark Obenshain (22%), and Ken Cuccinelli (44%). The bottom line: Virginia Republicans are not exactly clamoring for the great Ed Gillespie to run for U.S. Senate this year against Mark Warner…