Home Media Meet the Press Explains Why Policy Priority Polls are Pointless

Meet the Press Explains Why Policy Priority Polls are Pointless


On Sunday’s edition of Meet The Press, host David Gregory put up this graphic of a Pew poll to question whether climate action should be a top priority in Washington.

But the item directly below global warming on the list – global trade issues, ranked dead last – shows why the entire poll is pointless.

Guess what Washington is about to focus intensely on? Yup: Global trade issues. The Obama administration is pressing Congress to ratify the Trans Pacific Partnership, which Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) calls “the largest corporate power grab you never heard of.”

What about jobs, which has been a top priority for years? Republicans have held the House for 1,141 days and counting without passing a jobs bill. They must not care about priority polls, either.

Cross-posted from The Green Miles


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