Patrick Hope Wins Blue America’s 48-Hour Donor Contest


    Arlington, VA-This morning at 9 a.m., Patrick Hope was declared a winner of Blue America’s 48-hour contest to see which progressive candidates could generate the most grassroots contributions in a 48-hour period.  The winners were the two candidates who elicited contributions from the greatest number of donors- not total contributions- showing real grassroots support.

    Blue America founder Howie Klein issued this statement at the completion of the contest:

    “Patrick had an incredible operation and that’s how he was able to win this contest. I’m especially impressed Patrick was able to win as a recent Blue America candidate against other candidates- some of whom are well known netroots heroes. His organization makes me think they will know how to turn out voters in June.”

    Also winning the contest was Rob Zerban, a Democrat running against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st District.

    See the announcement of the contest results, written by Klein, on the Down With Tyranny blog: http://downwithtyranny.blogspo…


    Media Contact:

    Jarrod A. Nagurka

    (703) 473-5097


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