WTF good is the DPVA????


    Yes, this is a rant — if the language offends anyone, sorry about that.

    Exactly WTF does the DPVA do?

    Several of us Northern Neck Democrats are looking for information about Medicaid expansion in Virginia.  We want ammunition to use in letters to editors, phone calls to our delegates, and general discussion with our Republican neighbors.

    You would think the DPVA would have front and center on their website just such a document — why we need Medicaid expansion, what individuals and groups can do to pressure the House of Delegates, etc., etc.

    You would think the DPVA would be all on fire with this vital project, right?


    On the DPVA website is ONE — count ’em — ONE — article about how the Republicans are obstructing Medicaid expansion.  And that’s all.  Nothing on there about why we need it, what we can do to get it.

    Oh, yes, there is a headliner on the DPVA website about DINO Dwight Jones becoming our new chair.


    Meanwhile, we discovered what we need to know about Medicaid expansion at this link:  THANK YOU, FAIRFAX COUNTY.…


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