Patrick Hope Signs Onto Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget


    Petition Launched For 8th District Residents To Support Efforts

    Today Patrick Hope signed onto a national effort sponsored by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in support of the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget.  The proposed budget would raise tax rates on those making over $250,000 per year and create new brackets for those making over $1,000,000 a year.

    “As a founder of the Virginia Progressive Caucus, I am proud to sign onto the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget,” Hope said. “Voters in the 8th district deserve to know where candidates will stand on these issues.  I hope that all ten candidates in this race will communicate with voters where they stand on important issues like our federal budget. This budget includes a long overdue and much deserved pay raise for our federal workers- a critical issue here in the 8th district.”

    A link to the petition can be found here:



    Additional Information: Patrick Hope and his campaign will join progressive allies to discuss this issue on Monday, April 14th in front of the IRS building.  More information on that event will be released later this week.

    Media Contact:

    Jarrod A. Nagurka

    (703) 473-5097


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