Two Entertaining Twitter Conversations Involving Barbara Comstock BFF Del. David Ramadan


    To end your weekend, here are two, uh, interesting? entertaining? conversations involving Barbara Comstock’s BFF and right wingnut extraordinaire Del. David Ramadan (R-Loudoun/Prince William).

    First, we have Del. Ramadan retweeting the infamous Grover “Drown Government in a Bathtub” Norquist, celebrating the world “getting better every day” – not because there’s less pain and suffering, more happiness and puppy dogs, but because…that’s right, the number of Americans with concealed carry gun permits has skyrocketed since 2007. Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, ya know? As Fairfax County Democratic Committee communications guru Frank Anderson tweets back sarcastically, by Ramadan’s and Norquist’s reasoning, the world will be a “perfect place when all 240+ million adult Americans are packing heat.” The scary thing is, people like Norquist, Ramadan, and Comstock almost certainly believe that to be the case.

    Now, for the second, er, interesting? entertaining? conversation – also involving who else but Ramadan and Comstock – please see the “flip.” For some background on “Tinder,” click here (in short, it’s a “dating-hookup hybrid that made things simpler, sexier, and particularly lady-friendly”).


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