Today is special elections day in Virginia (polls are open from 6 am to 7 pm; vote at your regular polling location), including elections in Senate District 38 to replace former Senator Phil Puckett (candidates: Democrat Mike Hymes, Independent Rick Mullins, Republican Ben Chafin); House District 48 to replace former Delegate Bob Brink (candidates: Democrat Rip Sullivan vs. Republican Dave Foster); and House District 90 to replace former Delegate Algie Howell (candidates: Democrat Joe Lindsey vs. Republican Marcus Calabrese).
So…what are you seeing and hearing out there? What’s turnout like in your neck of the woods? Who did you vote for and why? Feel free to add your observations in the comments section.
P.S. I’m guessing turnout of around 7,000 voters in the 48th district today. Just for comparison purposes, in the June 2009 Democratic primary for the 47th district, turnout was 8,051 (out of 55,613 active voters). Turnout in the 48th district in November 2013 was 23,350.
UPDATE 8:29 am: I hear that faux “moderate” Republican Dave Foster has a robocall out asking voters if they are “pro-life” (e.g., against a woman’s right to choose). If the voter answers “yes,” the call then says make sure you vote for Dave Foster today. Why on earth would the overwhelmingly pro-choice 48th district elect someone with Foster’s views to the House of Delegates?