Home Virginia Politics E.W. Jackson “honored to stand with” Tea Partier who used “hateful and...

E.W. Jackson “honored to stand with” Tea Partier who used “hateful and false birther rhetoric”


Yep, that’s who the 2013 Virginia Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia ia hanging out with now: a Republican State Senator (Owen Hill) who “joked” (hahahaha – not) about President Obama being from Kenya, and who the DCCC condemned for his “hateful and false birther rhetoric.” Now, why E.W. Jackson would hang out with a bigot like this is something only he can answer, but given his own voluminous history of unhinged ravings, it’s not a surprise. As always, the question is, how could a supposedly major political party in this state have nominated E.W. Jackson for Lt. Governor? How did this theocratic extremist get nearly 45% of the vote last November? Do those 45% actually agree with Jackson, or do they simply vote for anyone with an “R” by their name, even against a moderate Democrat like Ralph Northam? It’s truly disturbing, no matter how you look at it.


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