It’s not just a pipeline — it’s fracking, pipeline, and a big LNG export port


    Sunday’s WashPost (19 Oct) carried an excellent article in the Metro section that laid out the whole scheme — fracking, pipeline, and export liquefied natural gas port — that some folks don’t want you to know about.

    Read Marcia Greenberg’s full article here:…

    Homeowners and communities are unprepared for an invasion of their cherished private yards and public spaces.

    The Mid-Atlantic region is facing an expansion of natural gas transport infrastructure that threatens communities’ health, safety and homes. With increased hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) and plans to export liquefied natural gas (LNG), the gas industry needs supporting infrastructure. Beyond drilling wells, energy companies are building compressor stations and laying thousands of miles of pipelines. The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America has estimated that from 2011 to 2035 the industry must build nearly 15,000 miles of subsidiary lines – each year.

    The article describes the environmental, noise, traffic, and social costs of fracking, pipelines, and the LNG terminal.  The author concludes that local governments must educate themselves then put in place ordinances to protect local interests.

    HOWEVER — the author does not mention the fact that, in Virginia at least, the General Assembly can override local ordinances and the General Assembly is already bought and paid for by the energy industry.


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