Home 2019 Elections Video: In LWV Debate, Rep. Connolly Utterly Demolishes GOP Opponent on Issue...

Video: In LWV Debate, Rep. Connolly Utterly Demolishes GOP Opponent on Issue After Issue


Last night, Rep. Gerry Connolly participated in the League of Women Voters 11th CD debate in Prince William County, and the utter demolition of his Republican opponent – on issue after issue, from the Affordable Care Act to Social Security to the Ryan budget to Metro to immigration to…you name it – was a sight to behold (embarrassing, frankly, if you’re a supporter of the Republican candidate). Here are some snippets: 1) Connolly taking his Republican opponent apart on the Affordable Care Act (12:05-14:37); 2) on telecommuting (19:15-22:26); 3) on Social Security (37:10-41:12); 4) on Voting Rights (43:51-47:36); 5) on Planned Parenthood funding (49:23-50:47); 6) on Metro extension to Prince William County (54:50-58:13); 7) on the disastrous Ryan budget (1:03:11-1:06:05); and 8) on immigration reform (1:22:54-1:27:04). The bottom line is that the Republican candidate is far, far, far out of her league here – not even close to being ready for prime time.


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