Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, November 30. Also check out the video from the Pentagon City Mall yesterday, of people peacefully protesting what happened in Ferguson, and more generally making the case that – as their signs said – “black lives matter!”

*Energy Efficiency May Be the Key to Saving Trillions (Hello Dominion? Dick Saslaw? Get a clue?)

*Officer Who Shot Teenager in Ferguson Resigns

*When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 5 (“White Americans may protest that our racial problems are not like South Africa’s. No, but the United States incarcerates a higher proportion of blacks than apartheid South Africa did. In America, the black-white wealth gap today is greater than it was in South Africa in 1970 at the peak of apartheid.”)

*Ferguson a defining moment for race relations in USA

*Protesters Shut Down Shopping Centers To Demand Justice For Michael Brown

*Today’s Top Opinion: U.Va. can restore its reputation (“The surest way to restore U.Va.’s reputation is to stress things more serious than … reputation. The university should resolve not only to attain exalted rankings in academics – or even in basketball polls – but to set national standards for addressing sexual abuse, alcohol and drugs.”)

*Schapiro: A holiday wish list for Va.’s pols (“State Capitol lobbyists: The confidence of knowing that whatever the legislature and governor come up with on ethics reform, they’ll find a way around it.”)

*Farnsworth, et al.: ‘Moderate Mark’ needs a makeover (“… efforts to split the ideological difference with Republicans did not secure Democratic victories in most of the closest Senate races this year. The Warner campaign’s continued reliance on moderate politics also almost claimed another Democratic incumbent this year.”)

*Boucher: Is natural gas really cleaner? (Short answer: not particularly.)

*Don’t ignore charges at U.Va. (“For years, the problem has been ignored, downplayed, shrugged off. But the allegations of a gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house have roiled campus and drawn a national spotlight on Charlottesville in the days since an account of the 2012 incident was reported this month.”)

*U-Va.’s entrenched fraternity culture reaches a tipping point

*A thorough examination (“Legislative reform in Virginia hinges on taking an honest look at how the General Assembly operates.”)

*Effort to recognize Virginia tribe draws ire

*State budget, construction drive tuition up at Christopher Newport University

*Norfolk to decide how to hold School Board elections

*A warmer Sunday and Monday, but another cold front is headed this way


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